Letter to Nan
Dearest Nan
I want you to know how much you have become apart of my life how you have touched my heart throughout this pandemic you have been the key to my heart and my inspiration you get me through every day it’s hard because I can’t come and visit you. I can’t see your beautiful smile and I can’t touch the light that shines within you like a mirror reflecting time and space .
You are one of the most remarkable treasured people I recall every detail of how when we were together I was living with you By your side we would talk for hours silly things but fun things we would sit there and laugh and cry about how we miss grandad and how he inspired us to carry on living life to the full
He was a greatest man just like you are the greatest nan. It feels a lifetime away since I last saw you even though I’m only eight doors away it feels I can’t go and see you because I don’t want you to become unwell. Your living proof that anyone can get through this you got through wars you were a war baby and I admire you for your bravery .
You have given me strength and light within your strength is stronger than any mountain.
And I know this because you get through life everyday with the positive attitude you share a gracious love that is there .
Your sense of humour is what makes me smile I’m forever for the love you give us
And I’m thankful to have a Nan as wonderful as you .
Your always smiling even when times are hard and at nearly 76 years of age you still party on boats in turkey still dance on bars on our family holidays.
Your an inspiration Nan not just to me but to the whole family
We miss you I miss you and I will see you again. When the pandemic is over and the seas have risen to approximately the level of light and we have fault this war of virus we will get together and have the biggest hug
Because I love you so much you are my world
Love your granddaughter
Leanne xxxx